In 1984, the chart predicted that in 2023--2025 the Russian economy would overtake the US economy.

         Is it coming true?


See the current material in Russian: https://www.a100z.com/20240112151415GAU

Texts without references to sources reflect the personal, possibly erroneous opinion of the author.



Benefits from this article:

The simplest science can be used for the most pressing needs and is even very profitable.






             Simplified graph built in 1984

             the strengths of the US and Russian economies.


       The graph was built on the basis of statistical information found in the  open literature of different years.

World wars changed the graph, but with sinusoids, that is, smoothing led to a straight line (as if there were no wars).


       The expansion of the “red line” is associated with errors in determining the patterns among the “Russians”: because curve for the periods 1917-1926 - setsthe accuracy of the entire curve, namely for this period the data was so scarce (in the early 20s the economy of the RSFSR was not calculated at all: accounting mechanisms completely collapsed during the civil war) that it was not possible to obtain a more accurate schedule.


That is why the “point” when the “Russian” economy begins to steadily outpace the United States turned out to be in the interval between 2023 and 2025.

World-wide facts confirm the accuracy of the calculation: 2025 is most likely the last year. 2024041123421020240411234211

Or maybe the statistics were wrong? No. Everyone knows the sea of statistics that shows that the East (especially Russia) is poorer (=weaker) than the West, BUT this is not so: look without a magnifying glass. 2024041123465520240411234656

       And the strength of countries should not be measured by “gluttony.” There are countries where the population does not want to eat more than they are used to, and they also do not want any civilizations. And in terms of this indicator, their level is the highest.

Countries/blocs compete not by food, but by military strength.

Well, who is stronger is considered not according to GDP AT ALL, but according to a whole complex of another DYNAMIC phenomena . 20240411233733 20240411233734

This is what you need to count to understand who is stronger. The leading country in mobilization processes both inside and outside is Russia, and this is the main trump card: the one who advances wins. And whoever wins the upcoming 3rd World War will have even more “GDP”.


But wouldn’t it turn out that, if you look from the future, it turns out that the West will again be stronger than the East?

It won't turn out to be .       20240412000231  20240412000232


Certainlyin, in 1984, it was problematic for a young man to foresee that the indicator of competitive efficiency between the West and the East


would be the development of “artificial intelligence”. But does it really matter what new “machine” the East will use to get ahead of the West? Yes, even on aliens.



From tediousness to the title:

it looks like the schedule is coming to fruition.






as soon as the West realizes that they will ALREADY not catch up with the East, the West will be forced to resort to the “last resort” - and the last world war will begin.


This is exactly what became clear 40 years ago from the simple two curves,

and this allowed us to turn (for years) the steering wheel of fate, and even greatly.


Already in the 80s it was stated from the schedule, that in the 90s:

a) ministers and ministries will turn from omnipotent, irreplaceable posthumous gods of Olympus into something information-connecting; Note: Anyone who lived then remembers what the word “minister” meant!!!

b) the ruling Communist Party will change significantly. At that time, such a statement was perceived as complete nonsense;

c) that in the 2010s the country will begin to outstrip the West in the


power of weapons.

At the time it seemed like children's fiction.

d) that in the mid-2020s the most terrible war in human history will occur. At that time such a statement was not even perceived: “There will never be a war again!” Yes Yes..

Something else was derived from the graph using cause-and-effect relationships, but now this is no longer significant.

Now, of course, it is easier to “calculate” even what and how will happen at the beginning, middle, end and after the war; in the world, in a country\countries (groups of countries), with social strata and power groups, with their leaders, etc.



And when you KNOW at least from the above decades in advance, then you can and should try to change your destiny.

This is what the author of the graph did and wishes for you.






Prove that the graph was not “drawn” and that it was made not 40 years ago, but “yesterday”   2024041123304620240411233047





























← Back 20240411232801

       Of course, purchasing power is not GDP growth, but



and GDP growth can be measured in different ways and achieved with different tricks, for example -

—a lot of money should be spent on military production (which has a tenth relation to the “pure” economy), but they are simply counted in rubles;

--you can sell a lot of things to other countries for their unnecessary money and, at a contrived rate, convert it into your own revenue (India);

--you can build tens of billions of dollars worth of nuclear power plants in debt to different countries and count them as debts with profits, although it is clear that almost none of the “friends” will ever fully repay the debts: the plants are being built, in fact, to tie countries economically to will of the Russian Federation: “Well, you pay for your “want”, and we, so be it, will give the go-ahead to come under your economic (not financial!) dependence.”




← To the beginning of the section   



























← Back 20240411233046

       Prove that the graph was not “drawn” and that it was made not 40 years ago, but “yesterday”

- very painful. It is enough that witnesses to that event are alive.



Everyone can sit in the library themselves and get exactly the same schedule.

(About the economy of the USSR - an indispensable book about the


“pure” (without politics) economy and its statistics of the country during the civil war, I think 1926, I don’t remember the title and author (not Sarabyanov), I remember the library and the “box” in which it was , and - cover.




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← Back 20240411233310    

       This material would not have been written if it were not for fresh facts confirming the schedule



World Bank statement:


[i] The World Bank (WB) in its January report reflected expectations for Russia's GDP growth in 2023 to 2.6%. At the same time, by the end of 2023, GDP growth in the United States is expected to be 2.5%, in the European Union - 0.4 %, ..


Application here2 ex-CIA agent Johnson from 20240211:


“It’s not a joke when I say that the US is gradually turning into the Soviet Union in its last stage, and Russia is becoming a leading power, like Washington itself was back in the 50s, because they are doing well in all respects".


And the statement of the President of Russia:


[ii] “In terms of purchasing power parity, we have overtaken the whole of Europe."

and became fifth in the world.


And the fact that Russia received such a result in conditions of severe economic sabotage from the West. (And so, over there, in [iii] 1990 The USSR ranked second in the world in terms of GDP).


Of course, purchasing power is not GDP growth, but .. 20240411232801 20240411232802




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← Back 20240411233559    

       Fresh example:



The same World Bank calculated the Russian economy in 2023 and gave forecasts for its results at the end of the year:

       6 months before the end of the year: + 0.2%

       3 months before the end of the year: + 1.6%

       after year end: 2.6%

1.6/0.2 =at 8!!! since it’s a mistake after just 3 months of using the same calculation method,

2.6/0.2 =at 13!!! - in 6 months.

But who has succeeded in this “methodology”?

Oh, this is the “World Bank”, and not some kind of crap.




← To the beginning of the section    



























← Back 20240411233733

Well, who is stronger is considered not according to GDP AT ALL, but according to a whole complex of another DYNAMIC phenomena:



actual\possible speed and acceleration of the production of killers\influencers (climate weapons; genetic infection - Covid and other flus), building up capacities and technologies for this (physical, genetic, psychological, social, cross-country, etc.), concentration of minds and increasing the number of performers for building up and for being built up, changing the method of power in the country to stop wasting the resources of personnel on the population and concentrating the Rulers on the main thing for them (: and the people will feed themselves - private property and all that), the Unified State Examination for “automatic” draining the best minds for the military- industrial complex, the endless machining (laws in batches) of the


conditions of social life - i.e. "total mobilization of everything into a social battering ram."




← To the beginning of the section   



























← Back 20240411234210

       World-wide facts confirm the accuracy of the calculation



The Russian Federation has already surpassed the United States (and the entire West) in several types of weapons: missiles, tanks, climate weapons, long-term underwater UAVs, long-term space UAVs, laser weapons.


Already now, throughout the WHOLE world, there are military coups and social upheavals, organized not, as always, by the West, but by Santa Claus, and the West is already being torn apart in order to be in time everywhere and not “show face in the dirt”: Afghanistan, Mali, Burkina- Faso, Central African Republic, Chad (didn’t work out), Niger, Palestine (Gaza), Yemen (Houthis), Venezuela versus Guyana, Brazil - president = left, Ecuador, Egypt, Turkey, Guinea, Gabon - and that’s not counting the expansion of economic influence Russian Federation in other countries (somewhere in tandem with China: China builds and finances, and Russian Federation protects and arms); a turn for the better in relations with the Saudis, the UAE, Colombia, etc. You won’t remember everything at once, but all this is in just a few years!



Let's listen to the personal opinion of global capital - the results of the forums in Davos for 2023 and 2024  20240411235152 20240411235153

If after just one year the main problem remains only geopolitics, then why would it be surprising that in another year the main problem will be the apogee of geopolitics - war?




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← Back 2024041123465

       Let's look without a magnifying glass.



This material would not have been written if it were not for fresh facts confirming the schedule 20240411233310 20240411233311


On the other hand, centralized economies (“East”) have many times greater power to speed up work “for war” than non-centralized ones (“West”), and do not take into account the growth potential of the military-industrial complex - they are “hanging noodles on their own ears” (as does the West).


Well, one last thing: if everything in the world is counted not in Western currency, but in Russian currency, then the numbers will turn out very different: the measure is no less a weapon for power than what it measures.


In short, the methods for calculating the economic strength of


countries are outdated and in some places are no longer so useful as harmful for decision-making. Fresh example : 20240411233560




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← Back 20240411235152

       Let's listen to the personal opinion of global capital - the results of the forums in Davos for 2023 and 2024.




Davos 2023.

Final opinion: today is the most difficult geopolitical and geo-economic background in recent decades. (Author: that is, for the period after the 2nd World War).

And a year later the clouds thickened even more:

Davos 2024.

Geopolitics is more of a cause for concern than economic issues themselves.

Even worse is that  [iv] in a survey of WEF chief economists conducted in November and December,

56% of experts said they expect the global economy to WEAKEN this year.




← To the beginning of the section




























← Back 20240412000231

       It won't turn out to be.



[v] + [vi]: In 2024, Goldman Sachs' leading analyst and head of macro research is Peter Oppenheimer.


“The world economy is moving into a new “super cycle”, the driving factors of which will be

       artificial intelligence

       and decarbonization."


Synergy of combining industries with the highest level of embodied labor = high organic capital = “complex iron” (for example: space, weapons, nuclear power plants)


living labor who can use hardware as efficiently as possible - “programmers” (=AI)


increasing the PHYSICAL efficiency of hardware by an order of magnitude.


“Hardware” is at a qualitatively the same level of development in both the West and the East.

Well, AI will be stronger where there is more concentration a larger number of "programmers".

It is known that the maximum rate of concentration is achieved only by centralized management of economies,


in the West there is no such thing, but in the East there is.

Conclusion = the East will go ahead, and the West will NOT BE ABLE to catch up.


The fact that the West is not even particularly swaying in the direction of AI says 202401.  [vii] Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, made a splash at Davos. He is considered the main face of AI in the modern world...

in ten years, artificial intelligence may be very different from what we think of as AI today. And now we need to work and wait, where it leads.

.. Amy Weaver, president and chief financial officer of Salesforce, believes that companies looking to invest in AI should start now start tidying up their data centers. It will be much easier to feed data into AI models once it has been optimized, cleared of duplicates, and otherwise reduced to a usable form.


Conclusion: it will take years until the mess in recording information is cleared up! - there is no need to talk about any AI as a part of human culture.


Yes, of course, AI in the sphere of consumption in the West will develop faster than in the East, but this has  NOTHING to do with the POWER of the “direction of Light”!




← To the beginning of the section





"In 1990, Russia ranked 2nd in the world in terms of share of runway"







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